Glossário de termos utilizados no sistema educativo inglês
Consulte o glossário usando este índice
Especial | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | TODOS
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E2EEntry to Employment
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EABEducation Assets Board.
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EALEnglish as an Additional Language.
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Early Years Development and Childcare PlanA local plan which sets out how early education and childcare services
will be provided.
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EAZsEducation Action Zones Groups of 15 to 25 schools which aim to create new partnerships, raise standards and generate innovation within education. These groups of schools receive £1million a year for three to five years. An EAZ based on a single secondary school and its associated primaries will receive £350,000 a year. These smaller EAZs are only being set up in Excellence in Cities areas. | |
EBDEmotional and Behavioural Difficulties.
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EDPEducation Development Plan.
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Education Welfare Officers(otherwise known as Education Social Workers) Employed by local authorities to
monitor school attendance and help parents meet their responsibilities.
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EECsEarly Excellence Centres.
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