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Entry to Employment


Education Assets Board.


English as an Additional Language.

Early Years Development and Childcare Partnership

Plans education locally for children below compulsory school age, and childcare for children from 0 to 14 years. One Partnership in each local authority area draws up a plan each year which explains what local early education and childcare services will be provided and includes a list of all local providers of free early education.

Early Years Development and Childcare Plan

A local plan which sets out how early education and childcare services will be provided.


Education Action Zones
Groups of 15 to 25 schools which aim to create new partnerships, raise standards and generate innovation within education. These groups of schools receive £1million a year for three to five years. An EAZ based on a single secondary school and its associated primaries will receive £350,000 a year. These smaller EAZs are only being set up in Excellence in Cities areas.


Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties.


Education Development Plan.

Education Welfare Officers

(otherwise known as Education Social Workers) Employed by local authorities to monitor school attendance and help parents meet their responsibilities.


Early Excellence Centres.

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