Session 1 Publishing in Distance Education and Educ technology

Session 1 Publishing in Distance Education and Educ technology

by Terry Anderson -
Number of replies: 8
In this session we look at the major topics and methodologies currently being research and published in this field.

We also examine the major peer reviewed journals with an emphasis on open versus closed journals. Finally we discuss the role of the editor and per reviewers.

You are invited to explore and take a free subscription to the International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning (IRRODL.ORG) the journal which I edit.

We will be discussing three articles:
Zawacki-Richter, O. (2009). Research Areas in Distance Education: A Delphi Study The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 10(3). Available:

Zawacki-Richter , O., Baecker, E., & Vogt, S. (2009). Review of distance education research (2000 to 2008) – analysis of research areas, methods and authorship patterns. International Review of Research on Distance And Open Learning, 10(6). Retrieved from

Zawacki-Richter, O., Anderson, T., & Tuncay, N. (2010). The growing impact of open access distance education journals – a bibliometric analysis. Journal of Distance Education, 24(3). Retrieved from

Hopefully we will also have a chance to download and play with
Herzog's free tool "Publish or Perish" available at
In reply to Terry Anderson

Re: Session 1 Publishing in Distance Education and Educ technology

by idalina jorge -
Dear Terry Anderson,
Welcome to Portugal.I hope you've been doing well since we'met in Anadolu University, last October.
I've left the intercept social presence X cognitive presence for a while. I had to make a few changes in the social presence framework, since there were some issues related to communication functions in the proposed framework.
I've got back to the teaching presence (my favourite!). My next presentation will be about the influence of the e-tutor on the development of the students' critical thinking, using V Cramer's levels of association.

Is there anyone in Portugal digging on these issues?

I'm currently quite busy with my e-students, but I hope I'll be able to go to Caparica/FCT-UNL, next Thursday.

My best regards to all.

Idalina Jorge

In reply to idalina jorge

Re: Session 1 Publishing in Distance Education and Educ technology

by João Paz -
Dear Idalina

Looking forward to meeting you. I am interested in the CoI framework although still a PhD student at UAb.

Best Regards
In reply to João Paz

Re: Session 1 Publishing in Distance Education and Educ technology

by idalina jorge -
Hi, João. How are you doing?
Which variables are you working on?
I've tested them all and made a few changes on the initial definition / operationalization of social presence.

So, I'm back to teaching & cognitive presences.

I've just finished a paper on the influence of the tutor on individual critical thinking and starting a new paper on the tutor's presence and its influence on collaborative critical thinking, as defined by Anderson.
I'm still deciding on where I'll send it to publication. Besides, it's a lot of hard work, because I'm dealing with a HUGE amount of messages.

There is no way of working on a small amount of messages and jumping harshly jnto conclusions. Besides, I have manipulated the tutor's variable (meaning: worked over and over on triggering messages characteristics) I've been working on this for almost 10 years now, since the first papers on the CoI framework were published in IRRODL.

Best regards,
Idalina Jorge

P.S.: Has Anderson already arrived? What a nasty weather he is getting, just after the last beautiful days!

In reply to idalina jorge

Re: Session 1 Publishing in Distance Education and Educ technology

by João Paz -
I have studied the framework but have not (yet) made any empirical studies.

Best Regards
In reply to João Paz

Re: Session 1 Publishing in Distance Education and Educ technology

by João Paz -
Idalina, I was talking with Pedro Cabral who also has been interested in the CoI framework and wanted to ask you about your translation of the CoI survey. Is it published or accessible online?

Let me rephrase what I said: I used the CoI, mainly the TP, for professional development, to assess my online classes. I translated the CoI survey but have not validated the translation (I think Pedro did it in his master thesis).

Best Regards
In reply to João Paz

Re: Session 1 Publishing in Distance Education and Educ technology

by idalina jorge -
João, I have a survey about the tutor's tasks, indeed. It has two functions, depending how the verbs are conjugated: evaluation or perceptions on the imjportance of the tutor's tasks.

I haven´t read Pedro's thesis, just made a cautious comment on the Portuguese translation of CoI, because inquiry, being derived from a Latin word, inquiro, -ere, (meaning search carefully, such as Socrate searched for the TRuth with his students) ) developed semantically in Portuguese in a very negative way (because of the Inquisition) and is currently associated with police work, as you know. Besides, the Portuguese word "inquirição" has 4 syllables and that opacity of our ç and our nasal sound ão.

If we say that a child is inquisitive (in English) it sounds great and very positive.
In Portuguese we don't use the word "inquisitiva" to refer to a child who is curious and smart.

So for the word "Inquiry" I suggest the Portuguese "pesquisa" - that's what it is about: search for / pesquisar a word which is both good for Education as far as for other types of community. For instance, some years ago, I observed a community of European architects, which was researching on European industrial architecture. See, there it is: "pesquisa" / inquiry.
I'm trying to get ready for today's session with T.Anderson. Just giving some feedback to my students.
We can talk later. Pedro knows me. Shall we meet? I'll be glad to discuss these issues with you, ok?
See you later.
Idalina Jorge
In reply to idalina jorge

Re: Session 1 Publishing in Distance Education and Educ technology

by João Paz -
I also did not agree with the translation of inquiry by inquirição. Also read Lipman and opted for investigação but not completely happy with it because it may be identified with a particular kind of community (of scientific researchers in an area). It has the advantage of keeping the CoI acronym :-) though.
I agree that in terms of meaning pesquisa is ok.

Best Regards
In reply to Terry Anderson

Re: Session 1 Publishing in Distance Education and Educ technology

by Fernanda Ledesma -

Resumo dos links que fomos colocando no Facebook na 1ª sessão:

1º Tema - Publishing in Distance Education and Educational Technology: trends, topics, journal, ratings, plagiarism, logistics and open source.

Falou-nos de Interaction Equivalency Theorem by Anderson (2003a)


Current work - Jon Dron and Anderson
Taxonomy of the Many

mais aqui! -


Zawacki-Richter, O., Anderson, T., & Tuncay, N. (2010). The growing impact of open access distance education journals – a bibliometric analysis. Journal of Distance Education, 24(3). Retrieved from

Terry Anderson deu como exemplo o Google Académico.

Provides a search of scholarly literature across many disciplines and sources, including theses, books, abstracts and articles.

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The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning

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