Suggested Readings - Session 3 - Distance Education theories

Suggested Readings - Session 3 - Distance Education theories

por Terry Anderson -
Número de respostas: 19

I will be adding a few resources for each seminar and HOPE that you have a chance to read them.

Other contributions, comments or suggestions welcomed as a response to this post.

An overview of the 'big three' DE theorists Homberg, Peters and Moore describe their theories and their impact at “The Theories and the Theorists: Why Theory is Important for Research” Distances et savoirs. Volume 5 – n° 3/2007

The 'seminal' and first article on the Community of Inquiry model Garrison, D. R., Anderson, T., & Archer, W. (2000). Critical inquiry in a text-based environment: Computer conferencing in higher education. The Internet and Higher Education, 2(2-3), 87–105. Retrieved February 15, 2011, from

A very critical response to the COI theory: Rourke, L., & Kanuka, H. (2009). Learning in Communities of Inquiry: A Review of the Literature. Journal of Distance Education, 23(1).

And responses from Garrison et al. Zehra, A., Arbaugh, J. B., Marti, C.-I., Garrison, D. R., Phil, I., et al. (2009). A Response to the Review of the Community of Inquiry Framework. Journal of Distance Education, 23(2).

Em resposta a 'Terry Anderson'

Re: Suggested Readings - Session 3 - Distance Education theories

por José Mota -
Hi :-),

The link to the first article (Critical thinking ...) is broken (page not found). Here's an updated one:

Em resposta a 'José Mota'

Re: Suggested Readings - Session 3 - Distance Education theories

por Pedro Barbosa Cabral -
Em resposta a 'Terry Anderson'

Re: Suggested Readings - Session 3 - Distance Education theories

por José Mota -
Hi again,

Maybe this article by Randy Garrison might be of interest, as it connects with several relevant aspects present in the other articles you shared.

Garrison, Randy. (2000) Theoretical Challenges for Distance Education in the 21st Century: A Shift from Structural to Transactional Issues. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning: 1, 1.
Em resposta a 'Terry Anderson'

Re: Suggested Readings - Session 3 - Distance Education theories

por João Paz -
Dear Prof Terry Anderson

First of all let me express my great satisfaction for the opportunity to work with you in the next week.

One question: I thought the seminal article for the CoI framework was

Garrison, D. R., Anderson, T., & Archer, W. (2000). Critical inquiry in a text-based environment: Computer conferencing in higher education. The Internet and Higher Education, 2(2-3), 87–105. Elsevier. Retrieved February 15, 2011, from

Any special reason for choosing the 2001 article?

I have already read the 2 articles about the CoI discussion and am looking forward to hearing your point of view about it.

Best Regards


Em resposta a 'João Paz'

Re: Suggested Readings - Session 3 - Distance Education theories

por Terry Anderson -
Oh my Gosh... The seminar hasn't even started and already I've made a mistake :-(

Yes Joao, as you suggest I cut and pasted one of the three 'presence' articles above and neglected the first and most widely cited, seminal 2000 article that you correctly reference!! I could whine about when a guy gets to be my age the difference between 2000 and 2001 gets murky, but no excuse for sloppy scholarship!!

Thank you for noticing. After this overview article was published we did one article each on social, cognitive and teaching presence. We then published two articles on methodology of computer transcript analysis, one focussing on reliability issues, the other and more serious one on validity issues.

The 2000 seminal article is available without password at
Garrison, R., Anderson, T., & Archer, W. (2000). Critical inquiry in text-based environment: Computer conferencing in higher education. The Internet and Higher Education, 2(2-3), 87-105. Retrieved Dec. 2007 from

Many of the other articles are available and summary stuff, with no restrictions as well a

See you next week

Em resposta a 'Terry Anderson'

Re: Suggested Readings - Session 3 - Distance Education theories

por Patrícia Fidalgo -
Em resposta a 'Patrícia Fidalgo'

Re: Suggested Readings - Session 3 - Distance Education theories

por Pedro Barbosa Cabral -
Em resposta a 'Terry Anderson'

Re: Suggested Readings - Session 3 - Distance Education theories

por Patrícia Fidalgo -
could you share your slides from today's session?

Em resposta a 'Patrícia Fidalgo'

Re: Suggested Readings - Session 3 - Distance Education theories

por Terry Anderson -
Hi Folks
The slides from the DE theories set (before break) are at

I have attached the COI slides below.

Hope they are useful
Em resposta a 'Terry Anderson'

Re: Suggested Readings - Session 3 - Distance Education theories

por António Gonçalves -
Well, your presentations are a mix of good and bad. Starting for the bad, they are very clear that my work in the field of theories are very small. I have to work more on this. Uff! I thought I was in the end! misturado The good part, his that, you show the theories so simple that it seems easy and straight forward to look at it from several perspectives. A big thank you for your lectures.

Em resposta a 'Terry Anderson'

Re: Suggested Readings - Session 3 - Distance Education theories

por António Gonçalves -
My experience in the small exercise about CP, SP and TP, was important because:

1. it shows that, if things don't work, there is a person responsible for that: the teacher.

2. the simple study of those concepts show me another perspective.

3. they turn down the forums: they are very strong in prompt discussion, but in long term they loose strength, because information/discussion his not available in categories.

4. for young people, who are not experts, it turns out to be very difficult for them to enter in the discussions, because they are afraid of say something, not only because they fill they don't know the subject and the peers will use their words against them.

Any comments, professor Terry?
Em resposta a 'Terry Anderson'

Re: Suggested Readings - Session 3 - Distance Education theories

por António Gonçalves -
About the Learning Styles issue, discussed after the lecture, in my experience, I found it useful because in the analysis I made about my classes I found out that, SEQUENTIAL, INTUITIVE (ABSTRACT) and REFLECTIVE students, in spite of being in small numbers, 5 % to 10 % of the class, they have worse grades and say in their class comments that the teacher need to show more structure (like small resumes, show initial plans, and so on... even parents agree on that), while SENSITIVE (practical), ACTIVE and VISUAL students tend to show the best grades and tend to show more positive comments about the learning in my course.

Any comments, anyone?
Em resposta a 'António Gonçalves'

Re: Suggested Readings - Session 3 - Distance Education theories

por idalina jorge -
This is what I've figured out about CoI:
1) Relation between social presence and cognitive presence: there is no relation. Sometimes it can even be negative. The students focus more on socializing than on discussing the issues properly & deeply.

2) Cognitive presence: A student's higher levels of critical thinking on a subject are mostly influenced by:
. the teacher asking open questions
. the teacher modeling the debate
. the teacher weaving the students' messages.

3) As for collaborative critical thinking the teacher's variables are the same, but in a different order:
.the teacher asking open questions .
. the teacher weaving the students' messages.
.the teacher modeling the debate (ain't this fun?)

4) The triggering messages are those which reestablish the initial sense of puzzlement: because they go against the mainstream, because they bring an interesting perspective to the debate...
However, there is a Portuguese particularity: most of the on-line students/trainees get to meet off-line & know one another - we are such a small country aren't we? And they develop relationships outside the platform. So, people tend to answer to a message for social reasons, see?
Oh boy! Such a long message!
I'll be back later. And hope to go to tomorrow's Conference.
Best regards,
Idalina Jorge

Em resposta a 'Terry Anderson'

Re: Suggested Readings - Session 3 - Distance Education theories

por António Gonçalves -
two questions prof. Terry:

1. Do you think that in science, to all levels (Basic, k-12, secondary, university) Bloom steps should be granted?

2. Is there any work, at you knowledge, that tries to relate the bloom steps with online software (syncronous or asyncronous), like twiter, facebok, vídeo, lessons, blogs, fórums, ...?

thanks. António
Em resposta a 'Terry Anderson'

Re: Suggested Readings - Session 3 - Distance Education theories

por Fernanda Ledesma -
Resumo dos links que fomos colocando no Facebook na 3ª sessão:

Tema «An overview of the Major Theories of Distance Education»

Terry Anderson: The three Wise Men of Distance Education Theorie - Otto Peters, Borje Holmberg and Michael Moore

Terry Anderson sobre Michael Simonson

Terry Anderson falou do trabalho de Lani Gunawardena. Mais aqui

Geert Hofstede - Cultural Dimensions

Anderson volta a falar sobre Connectivism Pedagogy. O último número do IRRODL é dedicado a este tema

Connectivism Learning Principles - George Siemens

Control and constraint in e-learning de Jon Dron

Efective Educational Social Software

Terry Anderson sobre John Dewey

Critical Thinking, Cognitive Presence, and Computer Conferencing in Distance Education

Terry falou de
"Community of Inquiry (COI) Model

Community of Inquiry Framework: Validation and Instrument Development