Session 2 - Design Based Research

Session 2 - Design Based Research

por Terry Anderson -
Número de respostas: 15
In this session we look at what I believe is the most practical and useful research and development methodology for distance education.

Design based research(DBR) is a 'common sense" set of techniques to develop, test and implement new interventions in education and develop models and theories for enriching and improving our educational understanding and our practice.

I hope you will have a chance to read an article that I published in 2005. It overviews DBR and presents an example from Athabasca University.

Anderson, T. (2005). Design-based research and its application to a call center innovation in distance education. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, 31(2), 69-84. from

Doctoral students using this methodology will be especially interested in this article:
Herrington, J., McKenney, S., Reeves, T. & Oliver, R. (2007). Design-based research and doctoral students: Guidelines for preparing a dissertation proposal (attached)
Em resposta a 'Terry Anderson'

Re: Session 2 - Design Based Research

por António Gonçalves -
Welcome to Portugal. I don't know if it is your first time in Portugal, but in spite of the fact that we are in a serious crisis, you will enjoy your stay very much.

My question is simple: do you use, in your elearning investigation procedure a road book, like an investigation diary, similar to most biologists? Thank you. António
Em resposta a 'Terry Anderson'

Re: Session 2 - Design Based Research

por António Gonçalves -
In my research I use this inquiry to categorize Felder Learning Styles. I have translated it to Portuguese and adapt it to young students (K12).

This inquiry of course is well studied:

Well, I don't have a team, I can't study the validity and reliability of this inquiry in Portuguese and for young students.

I have compared the overall results of this inquiry, in several countries, including Brasil, and found out that they are similar to my results. Is this enough? What should I do, in your opinion?
Em resposta a 'António Gonçalves'

Re: Session 2 - Design Based Research

por Terry Anderson -
Hi Antonio
In answer to your first question, I wish I was better at documenting my "field notes" but ......
Ido have an old fashioned notebook that goes most everywhere with me. I usually publish a couple of posts a month on I have tried to get into using online tools like Evernote, but alas like learning to touch type, I may be too old a dog, top learn new tricks. ....sigh.

I do however make very serious use of a bibliographic software, End notes, to document all the published work I read and find it REALLY valuable when writing my wn work. I am thinking of switching to an integrated online tool for bibliography work, like Mendeley, but they don't have a ;'cite well you write' tool for automatically inserting references into my word processor, which I really like with EndNotes.

As for your work on Learning styles, I am not a big fan of any of the learning styles work, but the international context your note is interesting. You would have to build the context for intercultural comparisons perhaps using Hofstede's work.

Then send to to a journal and wait for reviewers feedback.
Em resposta a 'Terry Anderson'

Re: Session 2 - Design Based Research

por João Paz -
Em resposta a 'João Paz'

Re: Session 2 - Design Based Research

por António Gonçalves -
Thank you João for your link. Is it difficult to use this software?
Em resposta a 'António Gonçalves'

Re: Session 2 - Design Based Research

por João Paz -
No, it relatively easy. It has an online and a desktop version and it is free (with the option of a paid account to get more online space). EndNote is top but it is a commercial version.

Em resposta a 'Terry Anderson'

Re: Session 2 - Design Based Research

por António Gonçalves -
Thank you for your message.

I really like the old fashion way in respect to notes, but I understand that it less effective in the point of view of writing, searching and documenting: sometimes you ask "where did I read this?" Where his this reference? Where his this note? And so on ... !

Using the old fashion way, it has two great advantages for me: less time in front of the computer screen and more time reflecting about what you wrote when you try to write the final version of your work.

I will go today to your lecture, yesterday I was suddenly ill: the antibiotic was not the correct one. I am better today. :) See you latter.

Em resposta a 'Terry Anderson'

Re: Session 2 - Design Based Research

por Patrícia Fidalgo -
Hi Terry
Could you share your powerpoints with us? Those you have been showing in the seminar


Em resposta a 'Patrícia Fidalgo'

Re: Session 2 - Design Based Research

por João Correia de Freitas -
Yes, please do Terry. And Patricia, please put them on the General Directory and link them here (unless Terry has the time to upload them here and the size is below the moodle limit ;-))


-- joão
Em resposta a 'João Correia de Freitas'

Re: Session 2 - Design Based Research

por Patrícia Fidalgo -
Em resposta a 'Terry Anderson'

Re: Session 2 - Design Based Research

por Fernanda Ledesma -
Resumo dos links que fomos colocando no Facebook na 2ª sessão:

TEMA: Design-Based Research: A research and development methodology for an by Educators

Learning theories

Slides do Terry Anderson

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