Session 4 - Distance E-learning

Session 4 - Distance E-learning

by Fernanda Ledesma -
Number of replies: 1
TEMA: Distance E-learning

Painel com Terry Anderson, Fernando Albuquerque Costa (Instituto de Educação), Vítor Duarte Teodoro (FCT UNL) e José Luís Ramos (Univ. Évora),

Terry A. - 3 gerações de ensino a distância - Distance E-learning

Three Generations of Flexible Learning Pedagogie
1.Behaviourist/Cognitive –Self Paced, Individual Study
3.Connectivist–Networks and Collectives

Three Generations of Distance Learning
Three Generations of Technological Innovations in Distance Education

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Terry Anderson a falar dessa ferramenta fantástica de visualização de redes: SNAPP

Social Networks in Action - Learning Networks @ UOW

mais informação sobre o tema aqui -

Terry Anderson: «Learning is building networks of information, contacts and resources» - sobre o conectivismo.

Connectivism: Learning theory of the future or vestige of the past? | Kop | The International Review


Professor Fernando Albuquerque falou-nos sobre o projecto - Ensino a Distância para a Itinerância ex. escola móvel.

Professor Vítor Teodoro- Distance E-Learning, a short check list