Glossário de termos utilizados no sistema educativo inglês
Consulte o glossário usando este índice
Especial | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | TODOS
B |
BA with QTSBachelor of Arts arts degree-level ITT qualification leading
to QTS. One of the main routes into primary teaching.
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BECTABritish Educational Communications and Technology Agency.
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BEd with QTSBachelor of Education degree-level initial teacher training
qualification leading to qualified teacher status. One of the main routes into
primary teaching.
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Behaviour Support PlanA statement which sets out local arrangements for schools and other
service providers for the education of children with behavioural
difficulties. | |
BSABasic Skills Agency | |
BSc Bachelor of ScienceScience degree-level initial teacher training qualification leading to
qualified teacher status. One of the main routes into primary teaching.
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BTECBusiness and Technology Education Council
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BTEC NationalQualification equivalent to two A level courses. Subjects include nursery
nursing, business studies and art and design. There are considerable practical
elements to the courses with work placements offered.
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