Adicionado em 28 September 2008
por João Fernandes
Autor: José Manuel Bouzán Matanza
Sistema Operativo: Windows XP
Windows Vista
Relacionados: JClic, Lim
Classificação: Educativo
Acção: Criar exercícios interactivos
Palavras-chave: lacunas, testes, quizzes, palavras cruzadas, correspondência
Disciplina: Todas
Ardora is a computer application that allows all the teachers to create their own activities in html format, in order to be used by the students in a very simple way.
With Ardora, you will be able to create more than 45 different kinds of activities, crosswords, word searches, fill in the gaps, graphical panels, clocks, etc.. So, the teacher should only focus on the activity elements and not on the computing process.
Once you have inserted the activity elements, with the help of very simple forms, Ardora will create the website and the file (usually Java applet) which contains the activity. Then, you will only need a browser to view and carry out the designed exercise.